Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wins Nobel Prize, Then Gets Buried!

Wins Nobel Prize, Then Gets Buried!

  • Cuts artery plaque by an incredible 50%...
  • Drops high blood pressure as much as 60 points...

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Louis Ignarro made a special appearance on the Hugh Downs broadcast to reveal the covered-up truth about this astonishing breakthrough. He's discovered a "miracle molecule" that could make bypass surgery, angioplasty and blood pressure drugs obsolete.

Already, doctors are saying this natural discovery can expand narrow blood vessels, eliminate dangerous clots, lower high blood pressure as much as 60 points, reduce artery-clogging plaque by an amazing 50%...

And this is not unproven hokum. It won Dr. Ignarro the Nobel Prize!

No doubt you're wondering, "I don't get it. He won the Nobel Prize. Why haven't I heard about it?" I'm afraid the reason is that this amazing discovery has been...

Killed by big-money medicine, because it's too cheap!

Dr. Ignarro found that L-arginine converts to Nitric Oxide but the the Nobel prize was for his finding of what nitric oxide did to the blood vessels.

ProArgi 9 is a product with l-arginine, l-citrilline, vitamin D, vitamin K and red wine extract (resveratrol). This complexer goes beyond what Dr. Ignarro found and provides the best optimal product to aid in the reduction of heart disease and improvement of the circulatory system.

Get a 90 Day money back guarantee from Argi 9 Health

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Correlation Between Heart Disease and Diabetes

Did you know that 1 out of 3 people will end up with some form of heart disease? Also did you know that 2 out of 3 people with diabetes will die from heart disease or stroke? People with diabetes have twice the chance of getting heart disease, so what is the correlation between heart disease and diabetes? People with diabetes have a higher rate of high blood pressure, a higher rate of cholesterol and a much higher rate of hardening of the arteries. It is suggested that the added stress to the heart from the ups and downs of blood sugar levels may contribute to these higher rates of problems. It is also suggested that with this additional stress to the circulatory system the veins and arteries contract and can not relax. This constant contractions leads to the hardening of the arteries, restricted blood flow and higher blood pressure.

Another suggestion that has recently been talked about in the medical world is nitric oxide. It has been found that people with diabetes have lower levels of nitric oxide in their blood stream. It is not sure why but suggested that the diabetic stress or contracted arteries may be part of this lower level. What is nitric oxide and what does it do? Nitric oxide is produced when we take in an amino acid called l-arginine. L-arginine comes from red meat and some nuts, but most people as they age need more l-arginine and usually eat less of the foods that provide it. Nitric oxide stimulates the endothelia and causes the artery to relax. This is the only purpose of nitric oxide but is so vital to a healthy circulatory system. Relaxed arteries and veins reduce plaque build up, reduce high blood pressure and reduce hardening of the arteries. So nitric oxide in the body is crucial and is many times absent, leading to heart disease.

But it needs to be noted that just taking a l-arginine supplement may not always help. Another amino acid need to assist l-arginine is l-citruline. L-citruline helps the nitric oxide last longer in the blood stream. With out l-citruline the nitric oxide is very short lived and thus not reaching all parts of the circulatory system. So what are some steps to reduce the most evident chance a diabetic will get heart disease? The American Diabetes Association suggests following you ABCs of diabetes. A is for keeping your A1c in check or below 7 B is for keeping your blood pressure in line C is for keeping your cholesterol levels down They also suggest losing weight, stop smoking, physical exercise and staying on your medication. But I want to take this a step further. As you noticed the ADA never once mentioned taking a supplement of l-arginine, increasing omega fatty acids or using any natural products to help with a healthier body. If you look hard on the ADA or the AHA site you will find that the main sponsors of these sites are the major pharmaceutical companies. They want to keep you on the medications and not completely stop the use of their products. That is why I want to offer an addition to the ADA recommendations.

If you study l-arinine and the affects that nitric oxide has on the circulatory system, you will find it does many great things for our bodies. Many of the complications of diabetes are related to poor circulation. So if you can increase blood circulation, relax the vessels and lower blood pressure many of these complications would be drastically reduced. One example is the loss of limbs, which are the most common complications. This is because the feet and legs are the farthest from the heart and without proper blood flow to them; they begin to die, resulting in amputation. A strong l-arginine, l-citruline complex may be just the product to help diabetics with better overall circulation.

I want to introduce you to an endocrinologist that has spent his life researching and studying what l-arginine can do for diabetics. Dr. Joe Predergast has an operating endocrinologist practice in California. Dr. Predergast has been treating patients for years with a product called Proagri 9 Plus. Prior to using this l-arginine supplement he regularly referred patients onto several different heart specialists. Now he very seldom refers patients to any heart specialist. He has taken heart disease out of his diabetic patients, anyway the ones willing to take the product. Another great reference to the benefits of l-arginine is a book called No More Heart Disease by Dr. Louis Ignarro. Dr. Ignarro along with two other doctors won the Nobel Prize with their discovery of what nitric oxide does to the circulatory system.

So you might ask why we do not hear more about this. Well the pharmaceutical industry makes billions a year on heart and diabetes medications. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women; diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death. The pharmaceutical industry continue to keep adding products to reduce this rate but still has not done so, but they sure keep increasing their sales. So do your research and you decide if Proargi 9 Plus may benefit you or someone you may know? The evidence is out there and is evident in Dr. Prendergst's practice.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc.

I came across this blog from Corey Greenblatt, he is on a quest to help those in Ecuador that are less fortunate and struggle with diabetes. It is always a great cause to help others. Please read Corey's story and if possible help him out. This looks like a great purpose. Follow this link to Corey's page

American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc.

AYUDA is a non-profit organization based out of Arlington, VA who works to empower youth to serve as agents of change in diabetes communities around the world, strengthen local diabetes communities by promoting youth leadership, and motivate youth with diabetes to lead healthier and happier lives.C

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Need of Nitric Oxide in Diabetes

From the many researches in the past 10 years it is evident that the proper amount of nitric oxide helps reduce cardiovascular disease. But in a resent study at UCLA School of Medicine it is found that people with diabetes have an even harder time producing nitric oxide. With higher rates of high blood pressure, uncontrollable blood sugar and other circulatory issues, diabetic bodies have to work harder to produce nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide has to come from some type of food source, mostly red meat. Many with diabetes cut out red meat to help reduce weight, so they are not getting any nitric oxide. This may be the reason why people with diabetes have a 4 to 6 time higher rate of cardiovascular disease.

Adding a supplement to help increase the nitric oxide levels in the diabetic body may be very important. This can be achieve very easily with a product called Proargi 9 Plus.

I have been taking Proargi 9 Plus for many months and have found great results. I have reduced my A1c from 11.7 to 4.7. I have had a 4.7 the last two check ups. I contribute this to my diet, exercise and the nutritional products I take. I would like to explain this to others that are suffering from diabetes. Please contact me at

Here is a link to the Proargi 9 Plus site

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Root Cause of Diabetes

I came across this article the other day and it explains the root cause of diabetes. It is sad that many of the cases of diabetes could be deterred with proper eating habits.

Here is a link to the article: The Root Cause for Diabetes

Stop Heart Disease with Proargi 9 Plus

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