Sunday, November 30, 2008

Diabetic Holidays

Diabetics get frustrated during these holiday times. So many sweets and unhealthy treats around the house make it hard to keep that blood sugar in line. Thanksgiving has now passed and how did you do with all that food? Keeping the proper balance of diet during the holidays can be very hard. I try and stay with the nuts when I feel I need to have a treat like the rest of the family.

Keeping my diet inline during the holidays has to be one of the hardest things for me. All the candy was my favorite part of the holidays. My kids have a hard time buying me gifts because they used to just get me candy. Now they have a harder time getting me a gift. Having your family understand diabetes helps them to reduce the temptations. I even have neighbors that refrain from the candy giving because of my diabetes. I think this is great. Everyone needs to cut back on the amount of sugar that is consumed during the holidays. It all starts at Halloween.

Some of the treats that get made at our house are Chex mix bowls, trail mix and lots of fruit. This allows me to have a treat to grab but keeps the sugar down. I struggle more with my fat content now than I do with sugar.

I am trying to put together some recipes or ideas to help people with diabetes through the holidays. PLEASE post your input here so others may find them.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and may you have blessed Christmas!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Diabetic Diet

The American Diabetes Associates is a great resources for different diabetic diets. Finding a diet that works for you is what is most important. Achieving long term success is key to controlling diabetes for the rest of your life.

My diabetic diet was designed personally by a hospital dietitian. It is not always easy but I have found it works and is something I can do for ever. It was a change in lifestyle but a change for the better.

I have been on my diabetic diet for over a year and have found it to be my way of eating for life. I have lost 65 pounds and keep it off. I do slip from time to time but I have kept my weight within 5 pound for about a year.

This is a very simple diet and does not take much measuring or reading once you have been doing it for a while. Here is the easy formula I use.

Keep your Carbohydrates under 200 each day.

Keep your fat intake under 5 grams each day.

Eat more from the green vegetable and lean meats.

Stay away from sugar and white flour. Eat more from whole grains.

I also keep my calorie count under 2100 per day.

These key points will keep you away from the foods that are bad for weight gain and diabetic. As you start studying calories, carb and fat grams you will find that vegetables are the key to hitting these numbers.

A great rule of thumb for an average meal would be like this: A portion of meat slightly larger than a deck of cards. A light yogurt or small portion of fruit. Then fill up on broccoli or a green salad with fat free dressing.

Snacking between meals is great some dried fruit or low fat granola bars.

One treat I do have a couple of times a week is a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. Only 140 calories and low in fat. They even taste good.

I hope this is some help to those looking for a better eating lifestyle or someone trying to control their diabetes.

Creating a great meal plan and watching how you eat and what you eat is the start of a successful diabetic life.

If you are counting carbs the best resource is the Atkins diet book.

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